Friday, September 27, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Takes the lead

It sickens the Surge to recognize that one candidate’s campaign is going so undeniably well that we are forced, for the first time, to declare a back-to-back Surge champion, preventing us from using this space for an ironic celebration of, say, Bill Weld. While most of the news focus this week pertained to certain goings-on in the House of Representatives—goings-on that of course Elizabeth Warren was the first candidate to call for, in April—Warren has started to take Joe Biden’s lead. She led Biden narrowly, for the first time, in two national polls released this week, and she has taken the lead in the Iowa polling average as well. She took the lead in a New Hampshire poll. She is nearing the lead in Nevada. She is drawing healthy shares from supporters of both Clinton and Sanders in the 2016 primary contest. She is starting to see some movement among black voters. Democrats are the most enthusiastic about her candidacy. There is … nothing going wrong right now? Nothing! This newsletter likes to make jokes about how politicians are failing at politics, and she’s just not giving us anything.

Go Elizabeth, go! We have to defeat Nasty Donald Trump.

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