Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The New York times will have a live feed of tonight's Democratic Party Candidates Debate.

If there is anything important I will post my views here on this page.

I wonder if any candidate will comment on the USA embargo/blockade of Cuba.

About 21 minutes to go.

Good Answer by Julian Castro. 

I like Beto. He is feisty.

GOOG JOB, Bernie!

Superb, Elizabeth. Insurance Companies are SCUM.

Buttigieg is lost.

We meed a system that helps the working class, not millionaires like Trump.

Bernie is the most honest of all.

A Bernie and Elizabeth Dream Team will help all Americans. 100% Progressives.

Sock it to Joe, Bernie. He is a defender of wealthy people and banks.

Go Elizabeth. You are doing GREAT.


But, Bernie and Elizabeth did the best job tonight.

Good Night!

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