Wednesday, January 01, 2020

El Gusano Herald is speculating about Nasty Trump new sanctions on Cuba.

El Gusano (Miami) Herald is controlled by Batistianos who hate Cuba. I do not pay any attention to what they say. They invent stuff.

I just returned a few days ago from visiting my relatives in Cuba. Everything is normal. I did not see childrens with distended bellies, which was very common in Cuba before 1959. (GRACIAS FIDEL)

In the past 60 years the Batistianos have not won any battles.

At the United Nations General Assembly the Yankee imperialist are a source for extreme laughter.

187 civilized nations have friendly relations with Cuba. USA continues to lose at the United Nations.

Soon, we will be able to say and write R.I.P. Donald Trump. His nation is declining.


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