Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Go Get Them Bernie!

Bloomberg is a billionaire. Pete is bankrolled by many billionaires.

The People's Choice? Bernie Sanders! All his life he has been Progressive.

I wonder if someone is going to ask Bloomberg how many times he has changed his political affiliations? Is he a mercenary? Is he like Trump, in it for the big bucks?

Seven Democrats constantly attacking each other? The beneficiary will be Donald Teump.

I have a proposal. Unite the Dem Party with a Sanders/Warren National ticket.

Pete is inexperienced. Bloomberg is a billionaire. He is another Trump. In it for the big bucks.

If the Party does not unite, Trump will be re-elected.

Wake up America!

Joe Biden is a nice guy. But he belongs in the past, not the future.

Amy Klobuchar is a light-weight. We need a Progressive.

How do I rate/rank the debaters here tonight?

1. Sanders.      A+
2. Warren.       A+
3. Biden.         B-
4. Steyer.         B-
5. Buttigieg.    C+
6. Klobuchar.  C.
7. Bloomberg. F.

Joe Biden, Army General.

The winner of the debate? Bernie Sanders.

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