Saturday, February 15, 2020

Jane Sanders O'Meara Says Bernie Campaign Will Remove 'POWERS-THAT-BE' from Governemnt 'We Already Have Corporate Socialism'

2/15/20 AT 1:06 PM EST - Benjamin Fearnow

Jane O'Meara Sanders said elite establishment figures from both political parties are afraid of her husband's policies promoting affordable health care and education, noting that the U.S. "already has socialism" -- but only for corporations.

Sanders, the wife of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, told  Fox News Saturday, the "powers-that-be" in America are placing a shallow focus on her husband's "Democratic socialist" label instead of what they're really attacking -- his campaign policies. Jane Sanders said "corporate socialism" has benefited billionaires like President Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg, while hard-working U.S. taxpayers end up paying for their business subsidies and bailouts. She rejected Joe Biden's claims that Bernie Sanders can't win by citing her husband's back-to-back popular vote victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.

"I think it's pretty obvious, Bernie Sanders is running a campaign that is 'not me, us' that's about about getting the working class a fair shake and being able to provide Medicare-for-all, affordable health care, affordable education and a Green New Deal. There are the powers-that-be and the status quo that don't want him to do those things," she said.


Remember that Socialism is People Helping People. Capitalism is people f*cking people.

I will take my chances with Bernie's Democratic Socialism. We need to 'spread the wealth' in the USA, rather than giving it to the millionaire, billionaires, and huge corporations.

I already voted today, via 'mail ballot.' My vote went to Bernie Sanders. I encourage all Floridians to do the same thing.

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