Friday, March 13, 2020

13 March, 1957: the Day when University of Havana Students almost executed dictator Fulgencio Batista of Cuba. (IN SPANISH @ EcuRed)

I was very young. 13 years old.

My brother was 10 years older and he was an Electrical Enginnering student at the University of Havana.

The family resided at #1312 Avenida 21, between Calles 22 & 24. Vedado. I was, at the time, an elementary student at La Salle del Vedado.

From this building the students launched a strong armed attack on the Presidential Palace of the dictator.

They had two cars and a big delivery truck loaded with lots of arms.

They almost executed Baista. He escaped in an elevator to a higher floor in the palace.

Asalto al Palacio Presidencial (La Habana, 13 de marzo del 1957)


On the eve of New Year's Day 1959, Batista fled to the Dominican Republic, with his tail between his legs. Three days earlier Che Guevara had captured Santa Clara.

On the 8th of 1959, the Rebel Army of Fidel Castro and his barbudos finally entered Havana. Parties everywhere. Everyone was very happy.

A new dawn was coming. Cuba would enact a Socialist Constitution later on.

CUBA WAS FINALLY FREE. The Batistianos fled to Miami, where they still live in ignomy today.

A plaque in the lobby of the building commemorates the historical event. I was able to see it when I visited my family recently. I admired (full of nostalgia) the two twin beds of my brother and myself.

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