Thursday, May 21, 2020

Quien alegue que el bloqueo económico contra Cuba no es real está actuando deshonestamente de modo deliberado.

21 Mayo 2020.

Lo que ha hecho el Gobierno de EE.UU. es incrementar la agresividad verbal, usar sin recato una alta dosis de falsedades, de mentiras, pero, además, ha estado tomando acciones de gran impacto, entre ellas el recrudecimiento del bloqueo.

JG: Yankee imperialism does not have any morals. All they care about is $$$$$.

Every year, at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Yankee Blockade of Cuba is overwhelmingly repudiated and condemned by the great majority of civilized nations.

This coming November we may get a double treat. The Cuba Blockade will be repudiated at the U.N. and in the USA, Donald Trump will be defeated.

Like John Lennon used to sing, "Imagine All the People, Living Life in Peace."

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